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Membership in the association: 6 euros

Entitles you to a package of 3 one-hour sessions payable in advance: 133 euros

Magnetism 1/2 hour: 25 euros

Energy/bioenergy balancing 1 hour: 50 euros

Geobiology 2 hours: 160 euros

with opening of archivesAkashics of the place: 240 euros

Reading session of the Akashic archives 1h30: 90 euros

Preferential rate pack

- 3 bioenergy sessions: 139 euros

- 3 bioenergy sessions + geobiological study of the place: 215 euros

- 3 Akashic archive readings (person, place of life, work, animal) or

- 2 Akashic archive readings + geobiological study of the place: 240 euros

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